
Social Networking

       Social networking technologies can be used corporately and personally. As you know, in today's world, social networking is not just limited to connecting with others. However, it also spread the influence for business commerce, recruiting, and more of others.

       As a college student, we often spend our time on searching for internship. LinkedIn, Monster, and lots of other recruiting websites provides job opportunity for us, we could have easily gets information for new updated position and the recruiters can hunt qualify candidates through these technologies. In the article, “social networking technology boosts job recruiting” by Frank Langfitt, he determined that LinkedIn has approximately 8 million professionals across the world, and more than 500 of the Fortune companies. LinkedIn provides a job platform for both job searchers and recruiters. Job searchers can setting up profiles, listing work history and specific skills in order for recruiters to get to know them better.

However, there’s also dark sides of social networking, “Antisocial networking” by Hilary stout, he mentioned new generations relies on online communication too much, they give and take of friendship through cellphone text and Facebook comments, which wasn’t real. Many of the researchers noted that online social networking caused children to diminished face-to-face meets up, they communicate with each other through texts and ignore of emotional expression, and that will cause problems for cyber-bullying and difficult for new generation to read social cues from facial expressions and body language.

       In my opinion, social networking can be both helpful and bad influence. I like to use social networking to search for job opportunity or learn about the updated news in order for me to keep track of what’s happening around the world. But, the bad influence also exists to my generation. My peers are relies on phone texting, Facebook, twitter to chat with friends, and sometimes I felt left out from no shown of emotions. It’s difficult to know what a personal actually means without facial expressions or we might have easily misinterpret of the meaning.


Langfitt, Frank. "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting." 

Hilary, Stout. " Antisocial Networking"

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