
Blog About Twitter

          The BlackBoard Discussion is much longer and organize than Twitter discussion. Twitter has the limit of 140 characters per tweet which I believe it’s not enough for a complete discussion. When you made comments on other’s tweet, you can see what did you just commented on your own twitter page but doesn’t show which tweet you just commented. Twitter seems to provide a simple chatting to public so everyone can easily understand your tweet. The BlackBoard discussion is more sufficient to a group, it’s very organize, which all the comments by readers are under one post, so you can easily keep track of what’s going on. But the down side of the BlackBoard Discussion is that there are no immediately notifies like twitter, you have to click into the post to see the updates otherwise you wouldn’t know someone made comments. Twitter discussion is similar to in-class discussion, simply reply back and forth, but the difference is twitter is not a physically participate discussion, and most of the time you have to wait for the others to response to your tweet. Even though there are notifies, but if you missed too much of notifies, then you might experiencing trouble in participate in previous discussion.

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