
The Next New Thing

     The hardest thing for me is to track my email for an update job hiring information. I’m really looking forward to having such an App that can help job seekers find a job easily. The features that I hoped the App should have are:
1) Able to updates company new hiring information frequently. 2) The App will automatically save the cover letters and resumes we uploaded. When we need to apply for a job, the App can directly transmit our resume to the company that we applied. 3) Notifications for received feedback from company. 4) Provides an online video chat interview platform, and so we would not waste time on a face-to-face interview. I believe that if such an App in fact exist, then it will certainly make life easier for job seekers.


Our Class Wiki- So Far

        For our class wiki, so far I edited one page “China” under the culture section. I have been lived in China for more than ten years, I have quite a deep understanding of Chinese culture. When I read the “Kung-Fu Style” under the China culture page, I think Chinese culture is not just limited to Kung-Fu, but also other incredible skills. When I was young, my grandmother used to embroidered designs on pillows and towels with thin needle and colorful threads. Now I know, it is an ancient Chinese embroidery handicraft, so I did some research on this. I added the paragraph about the four famous Chinese embroidery under the “China-Kung Fu” paragraph, and uploaded four photos for each of the famous embroidery that I described. I will do more research on Chinese embroidery and other handicrafts for different countries.

P2P File Sharing

       File sharing is to providing others to access certain digital media, examples are documents, pdf files, or computer programs. P2P File sharing is peer-to-peer file sharing network technology that able to distribute and share the digital media directly from one peer to other without a central server. Examples of popularize P2P file sharing technologies are Lending Club, Gnutella, and the eDonkey Network. According to the article “Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing from Each Other” by Wendy Kaufman, it describes Lending Club provides an easy platform for P2P Lending. Also, the process for direct funding between investors and the borrowers in lending club is easier than borrow from a bank, and the usage of P2P technology helps to lower the cost.

Wendy, Kaufman. “Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other.” NPR. May 10 2013. Web. April 27 2015.


Privacy and Confidentiality

       New media always rise privacy and confidentiality concerns. Information shared on social media spreads fast and freely to the public, anyone can access to your information and uses it for their own purpose. One of the example could be using other person’s photo as yours Facebook profile picture. There are data brokers using social media to collect all kinds of data, such as your habits, your clothing styles etc, and sells these data to companies. Also, sharing your daily life, friends, and family information on social media are risky, you have no idea who might have looked into your data and unappropriated use your information. Overall, social media contains privacy risk and everyone seems to be no more secret, so be careful of what you sharing on social media.


          If I got hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the College, I have three suggestions. First, connect all Baruch websites, such as Cunyfirst, Baruch email, Blackboard into one website or an App, because having several accounts created for the same purpose is really inappropriate. Second, the new social media can offers immediate notification for receiving school email, course cancel, or registering date. Third, making easier for students to register for their next semester courses by creating a Baruch Registration Application. Students can list all courses that he/she needs to take within the four years of college, and select flexible days in a week, then the App will help the student to find the open section and best rated professors for students to pick.




            An example from me to show how new media fosters creativity is to using the Second Life system to create an avatar that represents me. I used the tool to choose an avatar that best represents of my personality and customize it skin, and hair colors. I even named it using my own name for me to better getting into second life.  In generally, I think I’m a person who looks immature, less confidence and very shy to interact with others. In the Second Life, I created an avatar that I wish to expect myself to be in the future. This avatar wears suit which represents charismatic and ambition. While I play this game, I realized it’s a helpful tool for me to be a better of myself through virtual reality.


        New media often fosters creativity. In nowadays, new idea shares immediately through social medias and improves while it viewed by others. No matter the size of the companies, their objective is always to be sale products that customers like. How do companies find out what their customers want and what they want to changed? New media provides a platform for companies to outsourced new idea from customers. In the article “Twitter serves up ideas from its follower” by Miller mentioned Twitter come up with a strategy for Twitter users to create their own stuff. Twitter users will use the “Lists” and “Retweets” sign to response to the new service or product and Twitter will catches the new idea that customers might wish to see the changes. This strategy can be call as “Democratizing Innovation”, which Twitters outsourced the ideas from its users. Internet lets people to exchange their ideas easily and rapidly, and companies will receive new updates of innovation immediately to keep track of what customers like. Many companies provide software for their customers to create new things. Examples are Lego started “Design by Me” site for customers to create their own models, and Ford Motor invited students to come up with new features for the in-car system while they playing the car games. New media helps companies to interact with their customers and fosters customers to create new ideas that they like. 

Claire Cain, Miller. “Twitter serves up ideas from it followers.” New York Times. Oct 25 2009. Web. March 30 2015. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/26/technology/internet/26twitter.html?adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1427732148-MHqlIpGXkYTp8mGOnbnq7Q