
P2P File Sharing

       File sharing is to providing others to access certain digital media, examples are documents, pdf files, or computer programs. P2P File sharing is peer-to-peer file sharing network technology that able to distribute and share the digital media directly from one peer to other without a central server. Examples of popularize P2P file sharing technologies are Lending Club, Gnutella, and the eDonkey Network. According to the article “Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing from Each Other” by Wendy Kaufman, it describes Lending Club provides an easy platform for P2P Lending. Also, the process for direct funding between investors and the borrowers in lending club is easier than borrow from a bank, and the usage of P2P technology helps to lower the cost.

Wendy, Kaufman. “Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other.” NPR. May 10 2013. Web. April 27 2015.

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