
Blog VS Wiki


           Blogs and Wikis are similar social networking, their objectives are connecting people together and share news immediately. However, there are differences that makes them unique. Blog is alternative to publishing, which individuals can only create a new post on their personal webpages. Even though, bloggers can comment on other’s posts to collaborate on the blogger’s idea, but its limited collaboration by individuals can only make comment to give advices. Blog has blogroll, it helps individual to quickly link to other blogs. By comparing to blog, Wiki is much more useful in collaboration and team work. For example, if you post an idea on Wiki, the whole company can contribute by either edit or revise directly in your post. Wiki can make idea generation, and create a companywide knowledge base social network. Blog and Wiki have different thoughts about privacy. According to the article “No longer the wild west” by John Sutter, he mentioned that in the past, Wiki frozen some of the sensitive pages about certain people or events, but now, they decided to make the site more democratic. In the other hand, “Stung by the Perfect Sting” by Maureen Dowd, Blog became very concern about privacy, they stop sharing blogger’s email to prevent cyberbullies. Both Blogs and Wikis make social networking collaborate easily, another new use of Wiki can be add group video chat while doing idea brain storming, so everyone could have discuss their ideas before revising other’s Wiki posts.

Cite :  Maureen Dowd, Stung by the Perfect Sting
          John Sutter, No longer the Wild West


Google Glass

In nowadays, technology fulfill the needs of world, and technology developers are still trying to create innovation to improve existed technologies, Google Glass is one of the new innovation. Google glass was invented by Google X team, but currently still in testing version. It objective is to create a simple and multifunctional glass that everyone can easily use it. However, the main concern about Google Glass is that whether wearing such a technical glass will have a positive or negative effect to society? On one hand, the functions of this glass are similar to any smartphones, you can do web search, phone call, video/picture, but, on the other hand, is it appropriate to wear the glass during certain conditions such as driving, school, etc. What's your opinion?